Goal 8 - Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

More than half of the worlds employees have uncertain employment conditions and tend to be trapped in a circle of low wages, poor working conditions and lack of access to education or proper social security systems. In goal number 8 the UN-member states have decided to address these issues by focusing on decent work conditions, productive employment, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in order to achieve a sustainable development worldwide.

Within the EAC-programme SIS have sponsored delegates from the region in particular Ugandan and Rwandan national experts to participate and be actively involved in the standardization process of ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management systems- Requirements with guide for use. This standard is one of the prioritized standardization areas for the region and several regional meetings have also been arranged within the SIS-EAC programme to enable regional positions to be discussed.

An expert from the Rwandan standardization organization RSB is co-secretary together with SIS for the working group ISO/PC 283/WG1 Occupational health and safety requirements drafting this standard. Internationally the working group includes actors from all areas of the employment sector, among them the International Labor Organization. In the Swedish mirror committee SIS/TK 301 Arbetsmiljöledningssystem companies, unions and governmental agencies participate.