Standard Swedish standard · SS 137006:2012

Concrete construction - Execution - Application of SS-EN 13670:2009 in Sweden

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: SS 137006:2015 , SS 137006:2015
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Standard Swedish standard · SS 137006:2012

Concrete construction - Execution - Application of SS-EN 13670:2009 in Sweden
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Price: 1 013 SEK
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Price: 1 013 SEK
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Denna svenska standard innehåller kommentarer och förtydliganden till SS-EN 13670: 2009 Betongkonstruktioner – Utförande inom ramen för det som är tillåtet enligt SS-EN 13670:2009 eller de standarder som SS-EN 13670:2009 hänvisar till för att underlätta dess tillämpning i Sverige.


Technical aspects (91.010.30) Concrete structures (91.080.40) Concrete and concrete products (91.100.30) Construction works (92.200.20)

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Standard Swedish standard · SS 137006:2012

Concrete construction - Execution - Application of SS-EN 13670:2009 in Sweden
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Price: 1 013 SEK
standard ikon pdf


Price: 1 013 SEK
standard ikon


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Product information

Language: Swedish

Written by: SIS - Bygg och anläggning

International title:

Article no: STD-86259

Edition: 1

Approved: 5/8/2012

No of pages: 28

Replaced by: SS 137006:2015 , SS 137006:2015