Standard Validation · SS-EN 434

Resilient floor coverings - Determination of dimensional stability and curling after exposure to heat

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: SS-EN ISO 23999:2012
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Standard Validation · SS-EN 434

Resilient floor coverings - Determination of dimensional stability and curling after exposure to heat
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Interior finishing (91.180)

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Standard Validation · SS-EN 434

Resilient floor coverings - Determination of dimensional stability and curling after exposure to heat
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Price: 0 SEK
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Product information

Language: English

Written by: BST

International title:

Article no: STD-15373

Edition: 1

Approved: 9/23/1994

No of pages: 0

Replaces: SIS 923504

Validation: EN 434

Replaced by: SS-EN ISO 23999:2012