Standard ISO standard · ISO 10140-1:2016

Acoustics -- Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements -- Part 1: Application rules for specific products

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: ISO 10140-1:2021
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Standard ISO standard · ISO 10140-1:2016

Acoustics -- Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements -- Part 1: Application rules for specific products
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Price: 2 330 SEK
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Price: 2 330 SEK
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ISO 10140-1:2016 specifies test requirements for building elements and products, including detailed requirements for preparation, mounting, operating and test conditions, as well as applicable quantities and additional test information for reporting. The general procedures for airborne and impact sound insulation measurements are given in ISO 10140-2 and ISO 10140-3, respectively.


Acoustics in building, sound insulation (91.120.20)

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Standard ISO standard · ISO 10140-1:2016

Acoustics -- Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements -- Part 1: Application rules for specific products
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Price: 2 330 SEK
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Price: 2 330 SEK
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Product information

Language: English

Written by: ISO

International title:

Article no: STD-920805

Edition: 2

Approved: 8/5/2016

No of pages: 55

Replaces: ISO 10140-1:2010 , ISO 10140-1:2010/Amd 1:2012 , ISO 10140-1:2010/Amd 2:2014

Replaced by: ISO 10140-1:2021