Standard IEC standard · IEC 60495:1993

Single sideband power-line carrier terminals

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: IEC 62488-3:2021
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Standard IEC standard · IEC 60495:1993

Single sideband power-line carrier terminals
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Price: 3 055 SEK
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Price: 3 055 SEK
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Establishes recommended values for characteristic input and output quantities of single sideband power line carrier terminals

and the definitions essential for an understanding of the requirements.


Power transmission and distribution networks (29.240) Telecontrol, telemetering (33.200)

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Standard IEC standard · IEC 60495:1993

Single sideband power-line carrier terminals
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Price: 3 055 SEK
standard ikon pdf


Price: 3 055 SEK
standard ikon


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Product information

Language: English French

Written by: IEC

International title:

Article no: STD-122175

Edition: 2

Approved: 9/22/1993

No of pages: 71

Parallell edition: IEC 62488-1:2012

Replaced by: IEC 62488-3:2021