Standard IEC standard · IEC 61709:1996

Electronic components - Reliability - Reference conditions for failure rates and stress models for conversion

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: IEC 61709:2011
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Standard IEC standard · IEC 61709:1996

Electronic components - Reliability - Reference conditions for failure rates and stress models for conversion
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Price: 3 510 SEK
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Price: 3 510 SEK
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Gives guidance on the use of failure rate data for the reliability prediction of components in electronic equipment. Reference conditions for failure rate data are specified, so that data from different sources can be compared. The reference conditions a


General (31.020)

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Standard IEC standard · IEC 61709:1996

Electronic components - Reliability - Reference conditions for failure rates and stress models for conversion
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Price: 3 510 SEK
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Price: 3 510 SEK
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Product information

Language: English French

Written by: IEC

International title:

Article no: STD-120954

Edition: 1

Approved: 10/17/1996

No of pages: 83

Replaces: IEC 60863:1986

Replaced by: IEC 61709:2011