Standard IEC standard · IEC 60915:1987

Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment. Preferred dimensions of spindle ends, bushes and for the mounting of single-hole, bush-mounted, spindle-operated electronic components

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: IEC 60915:2006
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Standard IEC standard · IEC 60915:1987

Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment. Preferred dimensions of spindle ends, bushes and for the mounting of single-hole, bush-mounted, spindle-operated electronic components
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Price: 520 SEK
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Contains preferred dimensions of spindle ends, bushes and, for the mounting of single-hole, bush-mounted, spindle-operated variable capacitors, variable resistors and potentiometers. If other dimensions not listed in this publication have to be used, it i


Resistors (31.040) General (31.040.01) Capacitors (31.060) General (31.060.01)

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Standard IEC standard · IEC 60915:1987

Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment. Preferred dimensions of spindle ends, bushes and for the mounting of single-hole, bush-mounted, spindle-operated electronic components
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Price: 520 SEK
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Price: 520 SEK
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Product information

Language: English French

Written by: IEC

International title:

Article no: STD-123799

Edition: 1

Approved: 11/30/1987

No of pages: 18

Replaced by: IEC 60915:2006