Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN ISO 9999

Technical aids for persons with disabilities - Classification and terminology (ISO 9999:2002)

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: SS-EN ISO 9999:2007
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Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN ISO 9999

Technical aids for persons with disabilities - Classification and terminology (ISO 9999:2002)
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Price: 1 731 SEK
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Price: 1 731 SEK
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This International Standard establishes a classification of technical aids for persons with disabilities. It is restricted to technical aids intended mainly for the use of an individual. Technical aids used by a person with a disability, and which require the assistance of a helper for their operation, are included in the classification. The following items are specifically excluded from this International Standard: -- items used for the installation of technical aids; -- solutions obtained by combinations of technical aids which are individually classified in this International Standard; -- medicines; -- technical aids and instruments used exclusively by healthcare professionals; -- non-technical solutions, such as personal assistance, guide-dogs or lip-reading; -- implanted devices; -- financial support.


Aids for disabled or handicapped persons (11.180)

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Standard Swedish standard · SS-EN ISO 9999

Technical aids for persons with disabilities - Classification and terminology (ISO 9999:2002)
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Price: 1 731 SEK
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Price: 1 731 SEK
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Product information

Language: English

Written by: SIS - Hälso- och sjukvård

International title:

Article no: STD-33358

Edition: 2

Approved: 12/13/2002

No of pages: 102

Replaces: SS-EN ISO 9999

Replaced by: SS-EN ISO 9999:2007