Image technology colour management - Architecture, profile format and data structure - Part 1: Based on ICC.1:2010 (ISO 15076-1:2010, IDT)
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SS-ISO 15076-1:2010
Image technology colour management - Architecture, profile format and data structure - Part 1: Based on ICC.1:2010 (ISO 15076-1:2010, IDT)
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This part of ISO 15076 specifies a colour profile format and describes the architecture within which it can operate. This architecture supports the exchange of information which specifies the intended colour image processing of digital data. The required reference colour spaces and the data structures (tags) are also specified. NOTE The technical content of this part of ISO 15076 is identical to that of ICC.1:2010.
Image technology colour management - Architecture, profile format and data structure - Part 1: Based on ICC.1:2010 (ISO 15076-1:2010, IDT)
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