Standard Technical reports · SIS-CEN/TR 18058:2024

Continuous handling equipment and systems – Safety requirements for equipment for mechanical handling of unit loads – Part 1: Interpretations relating to EN 619:2022

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Standard Technical reports · SIS-CEN/TR 18058:2024

Continuous handling equipment and systems – Safety requirements for equipment for mechanical handling of unit loads – Part 1: Interpretations relating to EN 619:2022
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This document is a collection of interpretations related to the EN 619:2022.
Interpretations aim to improve the understanding of the clause(s) they are referring to and by that facilitating common understanding between manufacturers, installers, notified bodies, inspection bodies and national authorities.
Interpretations do not have the same status as the European standards to which they are related.
However, the application of interpretations give to the interested parties confidence that the relevant European standard has not been wrongly applied. This document is not applicable to the machinery or machinery components manufactured before the date of its publication.


General (33.100.01) Conveyors (53.040.10) Conveyor belts (14.300)

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Standard Technical reports · SIS-CEN/TR 18058:2024

Continuous handling equipment and systems – Safety requirements for equipment for mechanical handling of unit loads – Part 1: Interpretations relating to EN 619:2022
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Price: 1 487 SEK
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Price: 2 379,20 SEK
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Product information

Language: English

Written by: Svenska institutet för standarder

International title:

Article no: STD-82087346

Edition: 1

Approved: 5/14/2024

No of pages: 56