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This part of ISO 6194 defines technical terms and nomenclature, in English and French, used in relation to rotary shaft lip seals, and gives the equivalent terms in Russian, German, Swedish, Jananese and Italian.
The terms apply to the types, the various parts of sealing devices, the tolerances and fits, the storage, handling and fitting, the visual variation and failure of seals, and the general performance test procedure of rotary shaft lip type seals.
NOTE - In addition to terms and definitions used in two of the three official ISO languages (English and French), this part of ISO 6194 gives the equivalent terms in the Russian, German, Swedish, Japanese and Italian languages; these are published under the responsibility of the member bodies for the Soviet Union (GOST), Germany (DIN), Sweden (SIS), Japan (JISC), and Italy (UNI). However, only the terms given in the official languages (English, French and Russian) can be considered as ISO terms.
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