Standard ISO standard · ISO 2808:2019

Paints and varnishes -- Determination of film thickness

Status: Valid

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Standard ISO standard · ISO 2808:2019

Paints and varnishes -- Determination of film thickness
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Price: 2 100 SEK
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This document describes methods for measuring the thickness of coatings applied to a substrate. Methods for determining wet-film thickness, dry-film thickness and the film thickness of uncured powder layers are described.
For each method described, this document provides an overview of the field of application, existing standards and the precision.
Information on measuring film thickness on rough surfaces is given in Annex B.
Information on measuring film thickness on wooden substrates is given in Annex C.


Paints and varnishes (87.040)

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Standard ISO standard · ISO 2808:2019

Paints and varnishes -- Determination of film thickness
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Price: 2 100 SEK
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Price: 2 100 SEK
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Product information

Language: English

Written by: ISO

International title:

Article no: STD-80013927

Edition: 5

Approved: 7/26/2019

No of pages: 49

Replaces: ISO 2808:2007