Standard ISO standard · ISO 2809:1976

Paints and varnishes -- Determination of light fastness of paints for interior use

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: ISO 11507:1997 , ISO 11341:2004
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Standard ISO standard · ISO 2809:1976

Paints and varnishes -- Determination of light fastness of paints for interior use
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Price: 510 SEK
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Price: 510 SEK
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Paints and varnishes (87.040)

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Standard ISO standard · ISO 2809:1976

Paints and varnishes -- Determination of light fastness of paints for interior use
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Price: 510 SEK
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Price: 510 SEK
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Product information

Language: English French

Written by: ISO

International title:

Article no: STD-602312

Edition: 1

Approved: 9/1/1976

No of pages: 3

Replaced by: ISO 11507:1997 , ISO 11341:2004