Standard IEC standard · IEC 61377-2:2002

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Combined testing - Part 2: Chopper-fed direct current traction motors and their control

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: IEC 61377:2016
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Standard IEC standard · IEC 61377-2:2002

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Combined testing - Part 2: Chopper-fed direct current traction motors and their control
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Applies to the combinations of motor(s), chopper and their control, and its object is to specify a)the performance characteristics of electric drives consisting of a chopper, direct current
motors, and the related control system b)methods of verifying these performance characteristics by tests.
In traction drives, a combined system with chopper and direct current motor(s) without any control between the mechanical output and the chopper is not usual. It is not, therefore,
considered in this standard. IEC 60349-1 applies to chopper-fed direct current motors, IEC 61287-1 to power electronic convertors, and IEC 60571 to electronic equipments.
As a consequence, IEC 60349-1 describes the tests to demonstrate the compliance of the motor to its specification, while IEC 61287-1 does the same for the chopper.


Railway rolling stock (45.060) General (45.060.01)

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Standard IEC standard · IEC 61377-2:2002

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Combined testing - Part 2: Chopper-fed direct current traction motors and their control
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Price: 2 015 SEK
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Price: 2 015 SEK
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Product information

Language: English French

Written by: IEC

International title:

Article no: STD-559648

Edition: 1

Approved: 6/5/2002

No of pages: 47

Replaced by: IEC 61377:2016