Standard Swedish standard · SS-ISO 19983:2022

Rubber - Determination of precision of test methods (ISO 19983:2022, IDT)

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: SS-ISO 19983:2024
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Standard Swedish standard · SS-ISO 19983:2022

Rubber - Determination of precision of test methods (ISO 19983:2022, IDT)
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This document provides guidelines and specifies requirements for estimating the precision of rubber test methods by means of interlaboratory test programmes based on the procedures given in:

—    Method A using ISO 5725 (all parts);

—    Method B using ASTM D4483


Rubber (83.060)

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Standard Swedish standard · SS-ISO 19983:2022

Rubber - Determination of precision of test methods (ISO 19983:2022, IDT)
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Price: 1 152 SEK
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Price: 1 843,20 SEK
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Product information

Language: English

Written by: Std Material

International title:

Article no: STD-80036496

Edition: 2

Approved: 7/6/2022

No of pages: 40

Replaces: SS-ISO 19983:2017

Replaced by: SS-ISO 19983:2024