Standard Swedish standard · SS-ISO 1817

Rubber, vulcanized - Determination of the effect of liquids

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: SS-ISO 1817:2005
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Standard Swedish standard · SS-ISO 1817

Rubber, vulcanized - Determination of the effect of liquids
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Price: 1 013 SEK
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Price: 1 013 SEK
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This International Standard describes methods of evaluating the resistance of vulcanized thermoset or thermoplastic rubbers to the action of liquids by measurement of properties of the rubbers before and after immersion in test liquids. The liquids concerned include current service liquids, such as petroleum derivatives, organic solvents and chemical reagents as well as reference test liquids.


Rubber (83.060)

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Standard Swedish standard · SS-ISO 1817

Rubber, vulcanized - Determination of the effect of liquids
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Price: 1 013 SEK
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Price: 1 013 SEK
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Product information

Language: English

Written by: SIS - Materialteknik

International title:

Article no: STD-25359

Edition: 2

Approved: 7/30/1999

No of pages: 19

Replaces: SS-ISO 1817

Replaced by: SS-ISO 1817:2005