Standard ISO/IEC standard · ISO/IEC Guide 58

Calibration and testing laboratory accreditation systems - General requirements for operation and recognition

Status: Withdrawn

· Replaced by: ISO/IEC 17011:2004
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Standard ISO/IEC standard · ISO/IEC Guide 58

Calibration and testing laboratory accreditation systems - General requirements for operation and recognition
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Price: 510 SEK
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Price: 510 SEK
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Product and company certification. conformity assessment (03.120.20)

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Standard ISO/IEC standard · ISO/IEC Guide 58

Calibration and testing laboratory accreditation systems - General requirements for operation and recognition
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Price: 510 SEK
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Price: 510 SEK
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Product information

Language: English

Written by: ISO/IEC

International title:

Article no: STD-610863

Edition: 1

Approved: 2/11/1993

No of pages: 6

Replaces: ISO/IEC Guide 38 , ISO/IEC Guide 54 , ISO/IEC Guide 55

Replaced by: ISO/IEC 17011:2004