Standard Tekniska specifikationer · SIS-CEN/TS 17394-3:2021

Textil och textila produkter - Del 3: Säkerhet för barnkläder - Säkerhet vid fästning av mekaniskt fastsatta tryckknappar av metall - Provningsmetod

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Standard Tekniska specifikationer · SIS-CEN/TS 17394-3:2021

Textil och textila produkter - Del 3: Säkerhet för barnkläder - Säkerhet vid fästning av mekaniskt fastsatta tryckknappar av metall - Provningsmetod
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This document defines a test method for security of attachment of functional and decorative metal mechanically applied press fasteners to children's clothing including for example gloves, hats, scarves, hosiery, ties, and textile belts.
IMPORTANT: Eyelets and rivets cannot be tested by this method as the integrity of the component when attached to textile fabrics is destroyed in the gripping action. Eyelets and rivets are assessed as described in CEN/TS 17394-4:2021.
This document does not apply to:
a) child care articles;
b) shoes, boots and similar footwear;
c) toys (see NOTE 2);
d) other articles sold with clothing.
NOTE 1 The above items are covered by other CEN Technical Committees and as such are out of the scope of this document.
NOTE 2 Disguise costumes including carnival costumes are examples of clothing which are also toys and fall within the scope of the Toy Safety Directive.
The scope of this document is limited to metal mechanically applied components. Work is in progress to develop standards for other garment components.
— EN 17394-2:2020, Textiles and textile products — Part 2: Safety of children's clothing — Security of attachment of buttons — Test method
— CEN/TS 17394-4:2021, Textiles and textile products — Part 4: Safety of children's clothing — Security of attachment of components except buttons and metal mechanically applied press fasteners — Test method
Performance requirements are provided in CEN/TS 17394-1:2021.


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Standard Tekniska specifikationer · SIS-CEN/TS 17394-3:2021

Textil och textila produkter - Del 3: Säkerhet för barnkläder - Säkerhet vid fästning av mekaniskt fastsatta tryckknappar av metall - Provningsmetod
Prenumerera på standarden - Läs mer Dölj
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Säkerhet i barntextilier, SIS/TK 160/AG 13

Internationell titel: Textiles and textile products - Part 3: Safety of children's clothing - Security of attachment of metal mechanically applied press fasteners - Test method

Artikelnummer: STD-80027124

Utgåva: 1

Fastställd: 2021-01-19

Antal sidor: 20