Prenumerera på standarder med tjänst SIS Abonnemang. Genom att prenumerera får du effektiv åtkomst till gällande standarder och säkerställer att ditt företag alltid har tillgång till senaste utgåvan.
Läs mer om SIS Abonnemang
This document specifies a method for the assessment of the surface resistance to different kinds of visible scratches. It relates to the rigid surfaces of all finished products, regardless of their material. It does not apply to finishes on leather and fabrics. Method A is suitable for all types of surface coatings and coverings except for melamine faced boards (according to EN 14322) and HPL (according to EN 438 1). It simulates measurable penetrating and/or deforming scratches. Method B is suitable for all types of surfaces. It simulates first visible traces (e.g. scratches, marks) that can also be a change in the gloss. The test is intended to be carried out on a part of finished furniture. It can, however, be carried out on test panels of the same material, finished in an identical manner to the finished product, and of a size sufficient to meet the requirements of the test. It is essential that the test be carried out on unused surfaces.
Prenumerera på standarder med tjänst SIS Abonnemang. Genom att prenumerera får du effektiv åtkomst till gällande standarder och säkerställer att ditt företag alltid har tillgång till senaste utgåvan.
Läs mer om SIS Abonnemang