Standard Svensk standard · SS-ISO 16638-1:2016

Radiologiskt skydd - Övervakning och intern dosimetri för specifika material - Del 1: Inandning av uranföreningar (ISO 16638-1:2015, IDT)

Status: Upphävd

· Ersätts av: SS-EN ISO 16638-1:2017
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Standard Svensk standard · SS-ISO 16638-1:2016

Radiologiskt skydd - Övervakning och intern dosimetri för specifika material - Del 1: Inandning av uranföreningar (ISO 16638-1:2015, IDT)
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This International Standard specifies the minimum requirements for the design of professional programmes to monitor workers exposed to uranium compounds. It establishes principles for the development of compatible goals and requirements for monitoring programmes and dose assessment for workers occupationally exposed to internal contamination. It establishes procedures and assumptions for risk analysis, monitoring programmes and the standardised interpretation of monitoring data in order to achieve acceptable levels of reliability for uranium and its compounds. It sets limits for the applicability of the procedures in respect to dose levels above which more sophisticated methods have to be applied.Uranium is both radiologically and chemically toxic. Hence, the scientific bases of current occupational exposure standards are reviewed in addition to radiation exposure limits. This International Standard addresses those circumstances when exposure could be constrained by either radiological or chemical toxicity concerns.


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Standard Svensk standard · SS-ISO 16638-1:2016

Radiologiskt skydd - Övervakning och intern dosimetri för specifika material - Del 1: Inandning av uranföreningar (ISO 16638-1:2015, IDT)
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Pris: 1 560 SEK
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Pris: 1 560 SEK
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: Kärnenergi, SIS/TK 405

Internationell titel: Radiological protection - Monitoring and internal dosimetry for specific materials - Part 1: Inhalation of uranium compounds (ISO 16638-1:2015, IDT)

Artikelnummer: STD-8018384

Utgåva: 1

Fastställd: 2016-01-13

Antal sidor: 56

Ersätts av: SS-EN ISO 16638-1:2017