Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 18592:2019

Motståndssvetsning - Mekanisk provning av svetsar - Metod för utmattningsprovning av flerpunktsvetsar (ISO 18592:2019)

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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 18592:2019

Motståndssvetsning - Mekanisk provning av svetsar - Metod för utmattningsprovning av flerpunktsvetsar (ISO 18592:2019)
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This document specifies test specimens and procedures for performing constant load amplitude fatigue tests on multi-spot-welded and multi-axial specimens in the thickness range from 0,5 mm to 5 mm at room temperature and a relative humidity of maximum 80 %. The applicability of this document to larger thicknesses can be limited by mechanical properties such as yield strength and formability of the specimen material. The thickness range for advanced high strength steels (AHSS) is generally below 3,0 mm. Greater thicknesses apply for aluminium alloys, for example.
Depending on the specimen used, it is possible from the results to evaluate the fatigue behaviour of:
— spot welds subjected to defined uniform load distribution;
— spot welds subjected to defined non-uniform load distribution;
— spot welds subjected to different defined combinations of shear-, peel- and normal-tension loads; and
— the tested specimen.
Multi-spot specimens with which the different load distributions can be realized are the following:
a) defined uniform load distribution:
H-specimens for shear- and peel-loading, (welds subjected to uniform shear or peel loading transverse to the joint line);
single- and double-hat specimens subjected to four-point bending (spot welds subjected to uniform shear load in the direction of the row of welds);
double-disc specimen under torsion (spot welds subjected to uniform shear load);
double-disc specimen under tensile load (spot welds subjected to uniform peel load);
double-disc specimen under combined torsion and tensile loading;
flat multi-spot specimens using defined grips;
b) defined non-uniform load distribution:
H-specimens with modified grips;
modified H-specimens with standard grips;
modified H-specimens with modified grips;
flat multi-spot specimens with modified grips;
modified multi-spot flat specimens with standard grips;
modified multi-spot flat specimens with modified grips;
c) defined combinations of shear-, peel- and norma ...


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Standard Svensk standard · SS-EN ISO 18592:2019

Motståndssvetsning - Mekanisk provning av svetsar - Metod för utmattningsprovning av flerpunktsvetsar (ISO 18592:2019)
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Språk: Engelska

Framtagen av: AGS 450 Motståndssvetsning, SIS/TK 134/AG 10

Internationell titel: Resistance welding - Destructive testing of welds - Method for the fatigue testing of multi-spot-welded specimens (ISO 18592:2019)

Artikelnummer: STD-80016650

Utgåva: 2

Fastställd: 2019-09-24

Antal sidor: 52

Ersätter: SS-EN ISO 18592:2010