Standardutveckling · SIS/TK 998

Standardiseringsarbete utan svenskt deltagande

Här kan du hitta information om europeisk standardisering som pågår i CEN utan något svenskt deltagande. SIS fastställer, publicerar och säljer samtliga standarder som utvecklas i de nationella röstningarna.

Kommittén arbetar med att bevaka de nationella röstningarna av europeiska standardiseringar i CEN och ser till att de publiceras i rätt tid. I kommitténs arbete ingår det även att förbereda nya, svenska standardiseringar inför dess publicering.

Organisationer som vill vara med och påverka europeiska standardiseringar som inte ännu finns i Sverige kan vända sig till kommittén och få den hjälp som de behöver.  

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Välkommen att kontakta oss så berättar vi mer om pågående arbeten i kommittén och inom europeisk standardisering utan svenskt deltagande. Läs mer om kommittéarbete inom SIS här.

Mer information om kommitténs arbete:

Utgivet 654 standarder
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Organisation 3 arbetsgrupper
SIS/TK 998/AG 01, Tillfällig bevakning av ISO (O-member)
SIS/TK 998/AG 02, SEK-experter i internationellt arbete
SIS/TK 998/AG 03, ASD-STAN-experter i internationellt arbete
Deltagare 7 företag och organisationer
ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions Sweden AB, Eskilstuna
Habia Cable AB, Söderfors
Huawei Technologies Sweden AB, Göteborg
QAdvis AB, Kista
SAAB AB, Linköping
SEK Svensk Elstandard, Kista
Touchless Consulting Group AB, Stockholm
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Internationellt deltagande 106 internationella kommittéer
ASD-STAN/D 1, Program Management and System Engineering
ASD-STAN/D 10, Space
ASD-STAN/D 11, Board
ASD-STAN/D 2, Electrical
ASD-STAN/D 3, Mechanical
ASD-STAN/D 5, Autonomous Flying
ASD-STAN/D 6, Quality and safety management
CEN/CLC/JTC 17, Gas Appliances with Combined Heat and Power
CEN/CLC/JTC 18, Weighing instruments
CEN/CLC/JTC 19, Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
CEN/CLC/JTC 2, Power Engineering
CEN/TC 104/SC 8, Protection and repairs of concrete structures
CEN/TC 106, Large kitchen appliances using gaseous fuels
CEN/TC 109, Central heating boilers using gaseous fuels
CEN/TC 123, Lasers and photonics
CEN/TC 131, Forced draught burners for gaseous and liquid fuels
CEN/TC 145, Plastics and rubber machines
CEN/TC 157, Non-refillable metallic gas cartridges
CEN/TC 171, Heat cost allocation
CEN/TC 177, Prefabricated reinforced components of autoclaved aerated concrete or light-weight aggregate concrete with open structure
CEN/TC 180, Decentralized gas heating
CEN/TC 184, Advanced technical ceramics
CEN/TC 184/SC 1, Advanced technical ceramics - ceramic composites
CEN/TC 187, Refractory products and materials
CEN/TC 189, Geosynthetics
CEN/TC 202, Foundry machinery
CEN/TC 203, Cast iron pipes, fittings and their joints
CEN/TC 209, Zinc and zinc alloys
CEN/TC 223, Soil improvers and growing media
CEN/TC 233, Biotechnology
CEN/TC 235, Gas pressure regulators and associated safety devices for use in gas transmission and distribution
CEN/TC 236, Non industrial manually operated shut-off valves for gas and particular combinations valves-other products
CEN/TC 241, Gypsum and gypsum based products
CEN/TC 244, Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits
CEN/TC 260, Fertilizers and liming materials
CEN/TC 271, Surface treatment equipment - Safety
CEN/TC 272, Metrology of porous filtration membranes
CEN/TC 276, Surface active agents
CEN/TC 279, Value management - Value analysis, function analysis
CEN/TC 281, Appliances, solid fuels and firelighters for barbecuing
CEN/TC 284, Greenhouses
CEN/TC 297, Free-standing industrial chimneys
CEN/TC 299, Gas-fired sorption appliances, indirect fired sorption appliances, gas-fired endothermic engine heat pumps and domestic gas-fired washing and drying appliances.
CEN/TC 302, Milk and milk products - Methods of sampling and analysis
CEN/TC 308, Characterization and management of sludge
CEN/TC 309, Footwear
CEN/TC 312, Thermal solar systems and components
CEN/TC 314, Mastic asphalt for waterproofing
CEN/TC 317, Derivatives from coal pyrolysis
CEN/TC 323, Raised access floors
CEN/TC 325, Crime prevention through building, facility and area design
CEN/TC 330, Qualification of construction enterprises
CEN/TC 334, Irrigation techniques
CEN/TC 340, Anti-seismic devices
CEN/TC 344, Steel static storage systems
CEN/TC 348, Facility Management
CEN/TC 349, Sealants for joints in building construction
CEN/TC 354, Light motorized vehicles for the transportation of persons and goods and related facilities and not subject to type-approval for on-road use
CEN/TC 355, Lighters
CEN/TC 360, Coating systems for chemical apparatus and plants against corrosion
CEN/TC 361, Thick synthetic modified bitumous coating masses - Definitions and requirements/Test methods
CEN/TC 362, Healthcare services - Quality management systems
CEN/TC 363, Organic contaminants ('tar') in Biomass producer gases
CEN/TC 365, Internet Filtering
CEN/TC 368, Product Identification
CEN/TC 377, Air Traffic Management
CEN/TC 381, Management consultancy services
CEN/TC 386, Photocatalysis
CEN/TC 388, Perimeter Protection
CEN/TC 395, Engineering consultancy services
CEN/TC 406, Mechanical products - Ecodesign methodology
CEN/TC 407, Technical springs
CEN/TC 410, Jewellery and precious metals
CEN/TC 413, Insulated means of transport for temperature sensitive goods with or without cooling and/or heating device
CEN/TC 422, Side curtains ventilation systems
CEN/TC 423, Means of measuring and/or recording temperature in the cold chain
CEN/TC 426, Domestic appliances used for water treatment not connected to water supply
CEN/TC 428, ICT Professionalism and Digital Competences
CEN/TC 432, Competency for Customs Representatives
CEN/TC 435, Tattooing services
CEN/TC 44, Commercial and Professional Refrigerating Appliances and Systems, Performance and Energy Consumption
CEN/TC 445, Digital information Interchange in the Insurance Industry
CEN/TC 447, Horizontal standards for the provision of services
CEN/TC 448, Funeral Services
CEN/TC 453, Nutritional Supplements compatible with doping prevention
CEN/TC 455, Plant Biostimulants
CEN/TC 460, Food Authenticity
CEN/TC 476, Administration, Finance and Strategic Planning within Organizations
CEN/TC 48, Domestic gas-fired water heaters
CEN/TC 49, Gas cooking appliances
CEN/TC 62, Independent gas-fired space heaters
CEN/TC 99, Wallcoverings
CEN/WS 095, CEN Workshop on European Quality framework for Students Internships
CEN/WS 105, Guidelines to develop long-term strategies (roadmaps) to innovate responsibly
CEN/WS PCS, Paint and Coating Systems for Defence and Security Applications
SIS/TK 998/AG 01, Tillfällig bevakning av ISO (O-member):

ISO/PC 335, Guidelines for organizations to increase consumer understanding of online terms and conditions

ISO/TC 20/SC 16, Uncrewed aircraft system

SIS/TK 998/AG 02, SEK-experter i internationellt arbete:

ISO/TC 210/JWG 3, Joint ISO/TC 210-IEC/SC 62A WG : Medical device usability

SIS/TK 998/AG 03, ASD-STAN-experter i internationellt arbete:


ASD-STAN/D 1, Program Management and System Engineering

ASD-STAN/D 2, Electrical

ASD-STAN/D 2/WG 1, Electrical Network

ASD-STAN/D 2/WG 2, Cables & Stripping Tools

ASD-STAN/D 3, Mechanical

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Arbetet styrs och finansieras av de organisationer som deltar i kommittén. Projektavgiften beror på arbetsform och omfattning, samt antal deltagare.


Jag vill gärna veta mer om kommitténs arbete.

Ny svensk standard för säkrare tatueringstjänster

En man, med handskar och tatueringsmaskin, tatuerar en kvinnas nacke

Hygienkrav och riktlinjer för procedurer. En svensk standard för säkra rutiner för säkrare tatuering har nu publicerats, SS-EN 17169:2020 Tatuering – Rutiner för säker hantering och hygien.


Har du frågor eller vill veta mer om SIS standardiseringsverksamhet? Kontakta gärna oss.

Linda Herrlund

Anders Sandström
Vice projektledare

Marie Frank